Blogs are the New Spin Machine
I know you, ignorant thought trolls that you are, would be confused if the title of a post and the first sentence of said posting were too similar; but I feel it’s important to stress that blogs are the new spin machine. If you read the political blog of a senator or dignitary, they are not going to post their thoughts on their own parties shady dealings with a few lobbyists or how many of their staff they are having sexual relations with. They (and you the brain dead of brain dead readers should just stop right now because I’m going to define exactly whom I am writing about) use blogs for spin.* Instead of doing their jobs correctly and making sure that America can continue to grow and flourish (for the upper class – but you’re a little too stupid to recognize the American class system so just go back to pumping gas and watching American Idol you misled fool), these people who “serve” are playing a huge game of CYA (cover your ass) and are overjoyed at the new shield against the truth: blogs. These personalized political attacks could never stand up under the scrutiny of a non partisan (if there is such a thing) committee or legal bench; the writer would be politically hung. But in the blog world, anything goes, and even though there isn’t a fact to back up an allegation, even though there isn’t a shadow of evidence that would suggest one billionth of one percent of the political post is true; the public (which includes you, if you can follow this argument you putrid MTV thought terrorist) reads the blog and thinks “Oh, Bush ISN’T stealing oil!” or “Oh, Kennedy DIDN’T kill his secretary.” Not that the past two examples are true or false, but the point is people think that just because it’s posted on a blog, they are getting the truth when in fact the blog has become the new spin machine. Now you can read a “personalized” letter telling you the “truth” to combat whatever CNN or FoxNews said on their afternoon broadcast (see below rants about the fundamental problem with The Constant News Network) about a politician or political party. Think for yourselves; if oil prices drop and we get billions of gallons of oil then we WERE in Iraq for oil, or if Kennedy DID blow a .08 and he bragged how he wanted to kill off his mistress than he DID do it on purpose. I know all of these words can be overwhelming, and thankfully most of my audience has gone back to wondering what new news is new, but if you happen to just read this sentence there are two major points I’d like to raise: 1- you’re a very lazy reader and I’m not surprised. 2- blogs are being used for spin and one should not assume that just because it’s written down means it’s true. Do not read blogs, political or otherwise.
*By “they” I mean politicians (including, but not limited to: the president, any cabinet member, any white house staff member, any senator, anyone who is a representative of the people. Basically any one who holds a federal post in any capacity, anyone who holds a state funded post in any capacity, any persons paid by any federal, state, or any local governmental body for any work or non work), lobbyists (anyone who represents any political party or is paid for to act on behalf on any political party, foreign or domestic company, or individual person(s) in any capacity whatsoever), the intelligence community (including but not limited to: both domestic and foreign intelligence gathering and analysis agencies, intelligence agencies with or without the authority to act on foreign or domestic soil, covertly or overtly, known or unknown), and anyone who’s job is to serve the public’s interest and security.
*By “they” I mean politicians (including, but not limited to: the president, any cabinet member, any white house staff member, any senator, anyone who is a representative of the people. Basically any one who holds a federal post in any capacity, anyone who holds a state funded post in any capacity, any persons paid by any federal, state, or any local governmental body for any work or non work), lobbyists (anyone who represents any political party or is paid for to act on behalf on any political party, foreign or domestic company, or individual person(s) in any capacity whatsoever), the intelligence community (including but not limited to: both domestic and foreign intelligence gathering and analysis agencies, intelligence agencies with or without the authority to act on foreign or domestic soil, covertly or overtly, known or unknown), and anyone who’s job is to serve the public’s interest and security.