Seriously, Stop Reading Blogs
My suggestion today would be this; die. Most mammals find a little out of the way place, burrow under a hollowed out log, and die. Such is life; and yet you (the rape of intellencia, the skid-mark in the shorts of thought) continue to read this, and I can only assume other blogs. This isn’t some on-going ironic joke, or some out of work comedian thinking he’s witty because he’s using the medium to disrupt the same medium; this is an honest plea for you to go do something else besides reading someone’s online journal. And please don’t bother pointing out the obvious- I am well aware that this is a blog that bashes blogs, but I do not have the time or the patience required to hold your hand and tell you how foolish you truly are, so the only way to get to people who read blogs is to create a blog itself. I understand that you, the fast food eating, sound byte consumer, paint by numbers, American “individual” that you are, can not digest my opinion without becoming enraged (or your are already enraged because I’ve accepted no postings on this blog. I don’t want to read any of your undercooked opinions on the “dumbed down” mantra I will spoon feed to you in a few sentences) so use that anger positively and just stop reading. Stop reading blogs. I’m a little disheartened that I have to take my arguments (see the above postings) and condense them so you can “get it” but if that’s what it takes; stooping down into the gutter that functions as your cerebellum, squatting on the toilet that stands as the seat of your intelligence, then so be it.
Stop. Reading. Blogs.
Stop. Reading. Blogs.